Owner and manager of the site:
Lisa Ghio - Entrepreneure individuelle
Lieu dit Barbazan
32190 Vic-Fezensac
Telephone: 0033.749134933 or 0049.152.34236213
SIRET no.: 91155744500010
Account no.: 748 7203984633
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Direction générale des finances publiques / Urssaf Limousin
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My offer contains links to external third party websites over whose content I have no influence. Therefore, I cannot accept any liability for this third-party content. The respective provider or operator of the pages is always responsible for the content of the linked pages. The linked pages were checked for possible legal violations at the time they were linked. No illegal content was found at the time the link was created. A permanent control of the content of the linked pages is not reasonable without concrete evidence of a violation of the law. If I become aware of legal violations, I will remove such links immediately.
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